I've attempted to design our monogram a few different times in the past few months and after fartin around for about 10 minutes this evening, I think I've got it! It looks nothing like the other designs I've come up with, but this one is my absolute favorite by far.
This is a very rough copy (photo) of it. I still have some tweaking to do, but I've decided that this will be the overall design.
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Square Pocketfold
I finally assembled a pocketfold today! (The proof is in the pic!) On the first one I did, I even taped the pocket completely closed. Whoops. :/
Our pocketfolds are white and square and have a bright blue mat. The invite itself will be white as well. Since our wedding is in the middle of the summer, I wanted the invites to have a crisp, clean look to them. Also, the outer envelope will be the same blue as the mat.
I can't wait to see how they look when they are finished!
This weekend I also started to work on my lovely pain-in-the-ass butterfly paddle fan/program idea. They are a bit challenging, but I'm confident they'll be worth it in the end. =]
Our pocketfolds are white and square and have a bright blue mat. The invite itself will be white as well. Since our wedding is in the middle of the summer, I wanted the invites to have a crisp, clean look to them. Also, the outer envelope will be the same blue as the mat.
I can't wait to see how they look when they are finished!
This weekend I also started to work on my lovely pain-in-the-ass butterfly paddle fan/program idea. They are a bit challenging, but I'm confident they'll be worth it in the end. =]
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